Friday, December 30, 2005

Programming etc ...

Two amazing articles I read.

Perils of Java Schools

Beating the averages


billq said...

Yes, I happened on these recently as well. Joel is interesting, he claims to be able to guage a person's programming essence by exploring whether the individual has a firm grasp on pointers. He blames "Java Schools" not for using Java, but for not letting C/C++ weed out the weaklings. Then he recommends we all go off and learn LISP, which was developed in the '50s. Ironically, Joel will be giving the Keynote at this year's eclipsecon '06 ...

PH said...


The first article is a good one!

kamal said...

Hey Bill,

Thanks for visiting :)

I did not think that he had a problem with Java as an implementation language, but he has a point that writing your own data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues), recursion and doing some functional programming during your undergraduation develops a part of the brain that gets you thinking of problems and applying various solutions to it.


Krish said...

Hi Kamal:

I sent you an email to your Yahoo account.

Thanks :-)